To complement the Certification Programmes and curriculum-based Courses, World Para Powerlifting offers various continued professional development opportunities to certified stakeholders and in some cases to the wider community.

Subjects of these activities are identified based on the experiences of Certification Course participants, using the feedback from surveys and Instructors, primarily addressing topics where knowledge gaps exist in the community and wider learning landscape, and which are important on the sustainability and promotion of the sport.

These continued professional development opportunities are provided online through the Learning Hub by webinars and activities (“Mini-Courses”), which are “bite-size” topics of facilitated information followed by checking of understanding and knowledge. These can vary in duration depending on the size and complexity of the subject.

Learn more about our Learning Strategy.

New to Para Powerlifting? Take the no cost, self-study Introduction to the Sport Mini-Course to get started.

Introduction to the Sport
Type: Self-study
Framework Stage: Foundation
Study Hours: 1

Introduction to the Sport is a self-study mini-course to learn about the basics of Para powerlifting, including the international federation and the rules and regulations.

Introduction to Classification
Type: Self-study
Framework Stage: Foundation
Study Hours: 1

Introduction to Classification is a self-study mini-course to learn about the basics of classification in Para powerlifting, including the minimum impairment criteria and how to best prepare as an athlete or coach.

I Lift Clean: Introduction to Anti-Doping
Type: Self-study
Framework Stage: Foundation
Study Hours: 1

I Lift Clean: Introduction to Anti-Doping is a self-study mini-course to learn about the process of doping control, Therapeutic Use Exemptions and the World Anti-Doping Code for Athletes, Coaches and other stakeholders in Para Powerlifting.

I Lift Clean: Advanced Anti-Doping
After completing course: I Lift Clean: Introduction to Anti-Doping
Type: Self-study
Framework Stage: Talent
Study Hours: 6
I Lift Clean: Advanced Anti-Doping is a self-study mini-course to learn in further detail about clean sport, doping control, Anti-Doping Rule Violations and the World Anti-Doping Code for Athletes, Coaches and other stakeholders in Para Powerlifting.
Introduction to Lift Educational Video Database
Type: Self-study
Framework Stage: Foundation
Study Hours: 1

Introduction to the Sport is a self-study mini-course to learn about the Lift Educational Video Database (LiftED), including how to access and use the tool as an athlete, coach or technical official.

Introduction to LiftingCast Timing and Scoring System
Type: Self-study
Framework Stage: Talent
Study Hours: 2

Introduction to LiftingCast Timing and Scoring System is a self-study mini-course for technical officials, administrators and local organising committees to learn how to use the system before, during and after a competition.

English Language Training: Coaches
Type: Self-study
Framework Stage: Foundation
Study Hours: 6

The English Language Training Course is a self-study mini-course for Coaches and other stakeholders to improve their English language skills in the context of the sport of Para powerlifting with a specific focus on key terms and phrases used at the international level.

English Language Training: Technical Officials
Type: Self-study
Framework Stage: Foundation
Study Hours: 6

The English Language Training Course is a self-study mini-course for Technical Officials to improve their English language skills in the context of the sport of Para powerlifting with a specific focus on key terms and phrases used at the international level.

Improving Mobility, Presented by ELEIKO
Type: Self-study
Framework Stage: Talent
Study Hours: 2

Improving Mobility is a self-study mini-course, presented by ELEIKO, to learn about defining mobility, its different types, how it works, and how it can enhance performance and prevent injuries.

Improving Performance Without Injury, Presented by ELEIKO
Type: Self-study
Framework Stage: Talent
Study Hours: 2

Improving Performance Without Injury is a self-study mini-course, presented by ELEIKO, to learn about optimal training programmes, mixing in stress and recovery, and when, in order to improve strength with avoiding injury.

Mental Performance, Presented by ELEIKO
Type: Self-study
Framework Stage: Talent
Study Hours: 2

Mental Performance is a self-study mini-course, presented by ELEIKO, to learn about the different mindset pillars to support training routines and redefine how challenges are interpreted and responded to.

Optimising Recovery, Presented by ELEIKO
Type: Self-study
Framework Stage: Talent
Study Hours: 2

Optimising Recovery is a self-study mini-course, presented by ELEIKO, to learn about what recovery is, how it is intertwined in many things athletes do, and optimising it to overcome aches, pains and training miscues.

Velocity Based Training, Presented by ELEIKO
Type: Self-study
Framework Stage: Elite
Study Hours: 2

Velocity Based Training is a self-study mini-course, presented by ELEIKO, to learn about the advancements and integration of technology in training and programming for athletes and coaches.

Webinar Series
Type: Self-study
Framework Stage: All

The Webinar Series is an ongoing continued professional development opportunity featuring experts from the sport sharing experiences and knowledge. The Series allows participants to watch live or recordings in different languages since 2020.