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How can I change the Learning Hub’s system language?

Most of the course and activity content is in English, unless otherwise noted, but you can change the Learning Hub's system language to one of six major languages: English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Russian or Arabic.

To change your system language, when logged in:

  • Click your name or profile picture in the top right corner
  • Click Language
  • Click your preferred language

How do I login to the mobile app via the QR code?

You can login quickly to the mobile app via a QR code from your profile.

To do this:

  • Search and download Moodle in your App Store
  • On your computer, click your name or profile picture in the top right corner
  • Under Mobile app, click View QR code
  • Open the mobile app and click SCAN QR CODE
  • Scan the QR code from your profile
  • Access your account via the app and enjoy learning!

The QR code for the general site can be scanned below:

How do I update my time zone, email and/or profile picture?

To update your profile, when logged in:

  • Click your name or profile picture in the top right corner
  • Click profile
  • Click Edit Profile
  • Edit the desired fields
  • Click Update Profile

By default, your time zone is set to Central European Time.

If some fields cannot be edited, please write to your instructor or World Para Powerlifting to change them.